MVP — the first app version with narrow functionality, created to fully satisfy a single user case

Touch Instinct
# Terminology

MVP is an abbreviation for Minimum Viable Product. MVP is intended to check if your app meets target audience needs. Instead of developing an app with wide functionality and numerous user cases (which is a long and expensive process), you develop and launch an app that satisfies only one user case. This is how you check if it’s valuable.

Three main advantages of developing MVP:

  • it’s less expensive;
  • you can get feedback from your target audience and make essential improvements;
  • users get to know the app several months faster.

In almost all other cases you can get by with a mobile website version. Remember that Google and Yandex rank websites that don’t have mobile versions on a lower scale.


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Buying reviews — effective but risky

Touch Instinct
# Marketing

MVP — the first app version with narrow functionality, created to fully satisfy a single user case

Touch Instinct
# Terminology