S-Presso — News feed from Vkontakte and Facebook community pages | Touch Instinct


News feed from Vkontakte and Facebook community pages

S-presso is a mobile social magazine for iPhone. It aggregates content from Vkontakte and Facebook public community pages.

The application was featured in App Store Best New Applications list.

Choosing topics

S-Presso specified 30 different topics based on popular community pages news feed. Users can create their personal news feed and check for updates through the app. There is no need to open apps of social networks.

Handy news reader

You can integrate the application with your network accounts. It allows you to check for news updates, give “likes” and comment articles from both networks in one location. There are three types of a news feed. You can switch between S-Presso content, your own subscriptions or mixed news feed by swiping.


You can add posts you liked to “Favourites” and get back  to them to them later.

Contact us

We create mobile applications for our clients since 2011. We will develop fast and user-friendly native applications for iOS, Android, Windows depending on your needs.

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