Stream for kids — iPad app for kids | Touch Instinct

Stream for kids

iPad app for kids

Goal: create app with cartoons for kids.

Result: 3rd place in "Entertainment" category.

Stream for kids allows you to watch cartoons right from your iPad. In the app you can find best cartoons (full-length or divided by seasons) from Disney, Souzmultfilm and some European studios. You can easily give iPad to your kid and do your stuff - in Stream for kids there is only approved content.

Main application screen

Few cartoons are available for free, to watch other cartoons you need to buy a monthly subscription.

All seasons of Duck Tales

During app development we reused components from Stream app. To track users behaviour and conversion rates we integrated Google Analytics.

Contact us

We create mobile applications for our clients since 2011. We will develop fast and user-friendly native applications for iOS, Android, Windows depending on your needs.